Too Hot to Handle (Vehicle Overheating)
January 31, 2021
In the hot weather, seeing steam coming from the engine compartment is something we all dread. No one wants that to happen to them. But if you know the signs of overheating and how to deal with it, you may be able to reduce the risk of damage to your vehicle, maybe even prevent getting stranded ... More

It's Brake Time (Brake Calipers)
January 24, 2021
Race car drivers have demonstrated the advantages of disc brakes, so most modern vehicles use them. Sometimes just the front wheels have disc brakes, but many vehicles now have them all the way around. A major component of the disc brake is called a caliper. It works by squeezing brake pads ag... More

An Oil for All Seasons (Engine Oil Selection)
January 17, 2021
You swap your winter boots for flip-flops in the summer. Why not change your winter engine oil for summer, hot-weather oil? While it may seem like it makes sense, there's some good news. Most drivers don't have to, and here's why. Engine oil can be made in different thicknesses. That thicknes... More

Stuck! (Vehicle Door Issues)
January 10, 2021
This may have happened to you. You drive somewhere and get out of your vehicle only to try closing the door and it just won't stay closed! What a helpless feeling. You can't lock it; you can't leave it like it is. Or, let's say you head down to your vehicle to head out to work in the morning a... More

Beware of Potholes! (Avoiding Pothole Damage)
January 3, 2021
You may live in a region where roads become pockmarked with craters known better as potholes. They're caused by moisture seeping through a compromised road surface that can freeze, expand and literally punch holes in the road. And when your vehicle hits one of those holes that's big enough, the... More

Do you have a Clue (Get the Most Out of a Service Visit)
January 1, 2021
When you head to the doctor, you probably have it in your mind what you're going to say about why you don't feel good. That way your doctor can use that information to diagnose your problem. You might want to think of that same approach when you take your vehicle in for a repair. Experts say wha... More