The Right Stuff (Choosing Replacement Parts)
January 29, 2023
Let's face it. Vehicles are complicated machines, each having thousands of parts. And since they're subjected to heat, cold, vibrations, bumps and much more, these parts wear out and need to be replaced. When your service advisor says you need a new part, you may have many options. Let's say ... More

Positive and Negative (Battery Care)
January 22, 2023
You notice when your smartphone's battery starts to go weak on you. It runs out of juice faster than it did when it was new. Bet you pay attention to that pretty closely. Unfortunately, many of us don't pay the same attention to the battery in our vehicles. If your battery got you through the c... More

A Real "Pane" (Window Maintenance and Repair)
January 15, 2023
It's pretty frustrating when your driver's window won't work. You can't get your food at the drive-thru without opening the door, have a tough time using the ATM from your vehicle, can't have that fresh breeze blowing through your hair as you listen to your favorite road tunes. Plus, there's a s... More

Alleviate the Creaks and Squeaks (Chassis Lubrication)
January 8, 2023
If your vehicle creaks and squeaks when you drive down the road, it may mean that some of the metal parts are rubbing against each other and need to be lubricated. Those could be parts of the suspension, steering system and the drivetrain. Years ago, most vehicles had to have their chassis (wha... More

Put the Brakes On! (Brake Caliper Replacement)
January 1, 2023
Keeping your vehicle's brakes in top shape is one of the most important things you can do for your safety and those on the road with you. Most drivers know a little about brake pads and rotors but maybe not so much about another brake component called the calipers. Disc brakes work by a mechanica... More