Tracking True in Sterling Heights: Wheel Alignment
March 27, 2016
At Sterling Tire & Auto, we occasionally see severe tire damage that could have been prevented with proper wheel alignment. During a Sterling Tire & Auto alignment service, your vehicle is put on an alignment rack where the tires, steering and suspension parts are inspected for problems. Then th... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Fuel System Cleaning Near Sterling Heights, Michigan
March 21, 2016
A lot of fuel is wasted in the Sterling Heights area by dirty fuel delivery systems in vehicles.Let's start at the tank. The gas tank gathers dirt, rust and sediment over the years. That's why there's a fuel filter to clean the fuel after it leaves the tank. A dirty filter will rob the engine of ... More

Is Your Sterling Heights Driving Severe?
March 14, 2016
People near Sterling Heights, Michigan, often ask Sterling Tire & Auto how often they should have a particular service done. It's a great thing to ask. You can look at your owner's manual or have your Sterling Heights, Michigan, service advisor at Sterling Tire & Auto look up your vehicle in a se... More

Sterling Tire & Auto Service Tip: Why Synthetic Oil Is Good For Your Vehicles
March 8, 2016
Hello Michigan! Today's vehicle care topic is: Synthetic Oil vs. Petroleum Based Oil. Synthetic motor oil is a substitute for petroleum based oil. If you aren't currently using it, why not? Synthetic motor oil maximizes engine power and fuel economy. To see why, we'd need a microscope, so we'll ... More