The Edible Engine
March 31, 2019
You may have had a friend whose vehicle was the victim of hungry rodents. After all, mice, rats and squirrelseven rabbitshave been known to gnaw on wires in engine compartments, causing vehicle electrical systems to go haywire. They can disable a vehicle completely and be very expensive to fix.... More

When You Hear the Crash in Sterling Heights: What to Do After an Accident
March 24, 2019
Motorists in North America drive about 3 trillion miles/4.8 trillion kilometers every year. There are over 250+ million licensed drivers, and approximately 6.2 million accidents happen every year. Unfortunately, if we're going to drive vehicles, there are going to be accidents. Knowing what to do... More

It Pays to Take Care of Your Transmission at Sterling Tire & Auto
March 17, 2019
If you've been paying attention, you've noticed that vehicle engines are getting more and more powerful in Sterling Heights. At the same time, they are getting better and better fuel economy. I've gotta tell 'ya, most of that's because of technological advances in transmissions. To get a better ... More

New School: Automotive Sterling Tire & Auto Technician Training
March 10, 2019
Sterling Heights consumers are demanding. We want a safe, reliable vehicle that handles well and is comfortable to ride in. Oh, and we want good fuel economy, too. We also want vehicle repairs that are cheap, fast and easy. Unfortunately, one usually comes at the cost of the other.Today's vehicle... More

Fall and Spring Inspection at Sterling Tire & Auto
March 3, 2019
Good vehicle care for us Sterling Heights residents has always meant taking our vehicles in every spring and fall for a check-up. Vehicles needed routine maintenance to prepare them for the changes in weather. Today's vehicles aren't quite as sensitive to seasonal changes. Older vehicles required... More