Snake in the Engine (Serpentine Belt)
April 28, 2024
There's a belt that snakes through your engine. It's even named for a snake, the serpentine belt. It'll bite you when it breaks, possibly leaving you stranded. So, it's good to know a little about this snake-like belt. In early engines, there were lots of belts. They were used to convert the r... More

Beginning to See the Light (Check Engine Light Diagnostics)
April 21, 2024
It's a light many drivers fear they'll see turn on at the most inopportune time. It's the one on the dash that says "Check Engine," "Service Engine Soon," or it may be simply an engine-shaped light. Your first instinct may be to pull off to the side of the road and turn off the engine. The truth... More

Oil Times are a-Changin' (Oil Change Synthetic)
April 14, 2024
When it comes to oil changes, things are really changing. Most newer vehicles require synthetic oil, and while it costs more than conventional oil, it doesn't need to be changed as often. When conventional oil was the only game in town, you changed your oil every 3,000 miles/5,000 km. But as tec... More

Automotive Tips from Sterling Tire & Auto: Air Conditioning ? Common Problem
April 7, 2024
Your auto air conditioning system cools and conditions the air in your passenger compartment when you are driving around Sterling Heights. It also removes moisture from the air to keep your windows from fogging up.A common A/C problem for Sterling Heights drivers that visit Sterling Tire & Auto i... More