Why Is My Check Engine Light On?
May 26, 2019
The Check Engine Light strikes fear into the hearts of some Sterling Heights drivers, and is totally ignored by just as many. Just what it means is a mystery to most people. Let's get the urgency issues out of the way first. If your Check Engine light is flashing, that means that something is wr... More

When Do My Shocks Need to Be Replaced?
May 19, 2019
A good suspension system gives a vehicle a smooth, even ride while providing Sterling Heights drivers with good handling and control. But like any system on your vehicle, parts of the suspension system can wear out, leading to a lower ride quality and safety concerns. So it's a good idea for dri... More

What's up with Diesels in Sterling Heights?
May 12, 2019
Would you be surprised to learn that about half of the passenger cars in Europe have diesel engines? You might also be surprised to learn that most manufacturers produce a variety of diesel-fueled cars for purchase abroad.Diesel-fueled vehicles haven't been as popular in the North American marke... More

Fuel Injector Cleaning at Sterling Tire & Auto
May 5, 2019
In very simple terms, a fuel injector is a valve that squirts fuel into your vehicle engine. Your engine control computer tells the fuel injector how much fuel to deliver as well as the precise time it should be delivered. Of course this happens thousands of times a minute in every single fuel-i... More