Don't Stack the Mat
August 29, 2021
In the sloppy cold weather months, you might be tempted to pick up an all-weather mat and throw it on top of the mats you already have in your vehicle. After all, double protection is better, right? In this case, wrong. Here's why. It's important to keep the accelerator and brake pedals clear so ... More

Don't Start with That (Bad Starter Motor)
August 22, 2021
We've all heard that expression, "That's a non starter." When it comes to your vehicle, that's not music to a driver's ears. That sickening sound when you start the ignition and instead of hearing the engine crank, you hear it slowly turn over and your dash lights go dim. There can be many reaso... More

For Brakes' Sake (Brake Rotor Service in Sterling Heights)
August 15, 2021
Think of how much abuse your brakes take. Day in and day out, they stop your vehicle when it's going fast and when it's going slow. Maybe your vehicle has been vibrating when you brake, or maybe it seems like your stopping distance is a little bit longer than it used to be. Then it's time to get ... More

Emergency Items for Sterling Heights
August 8, 2021
Safe Michigan travel starts with preventive maintenance and good vehicle care at Sterling Tire & Auto. But there are other things Sterling Heights residents can do to prepare for emergencies on the road. Here's some auto advice that can help you plan for emergencies, and just may save your life ... More

The Cable Guy (Battery Cables and Maintenance)
August 1, 2021
If you've ever noticed your vehicle's lights are dim or not working at all, the problem could be many things. But one possibility is your battery cables aren't doing their job. A power outage in your vehicle is similar to one in your house and needs to be repaired to get things back to normal. ... More