How Does Sterling Tire & Auto Know What to Recommend?
September 30, 2018
When you drop your vehicle off at Sterling Tire & Auto in Sterling Heights, they don't just poke around under your hood looking for stuff to do. Sterling Tire & Auto professionals have lists and procedures they follow for different types of service. First of all, your Sterling Heights service cen... More

AAA - Cautions in Extreme Heat
September 24, 2018
{?video;480;360;http://www.youtube.com/embed/0t63k66IjSk;http://www.protech-automotive.com/Car-Care-Tips/content/images/AAA_ExtremeHeat.jpg;/video?} With temperatures soaring to record highs around the country, AAA cautions motorists not to underestimate the ways in which extreme heat can wreak ... More

Change Your Wiper Blades Twice Yearly at Sterling Tire & Auto
September 16, 2018
Because 90% of our driving decisions are based on visual information, unobscured vision is paramount. Which brings us to the topic of today's Sterling Tire & Auto article: wiper blades. While this isn't the most exciting automotive subject, it's important. You wouldn't drive at night in Sterling ... More

Automotive Tips from Sterling Tire & Auto: Brake Noise
September 10, 2018
Your brake pads are the important parts that rub against the rotor (or disc) to slow and stop your car when driving in Sterling Heights. They eventually wear down.When your pads are worn too much, they wont stop your vehicle as well. When the friction material is worn away, metal parts of the pad... More

Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Sterling Heights, Michigan
September 2, 2018
Let's talk about alternative fuel vehicles. In their quest to reduce the use of fossil fuels and harmful exhaust emissions in our Michigan environment, automakers will have a number of alternatives for Sterling Heights drivers very soon.For instance, Flex Fuel vehicles are already available in t... More