Fuel for Thought
October 28, 2018
If you're like most people and drive a gasoline-powered vehicle, you need to be up to speed on its fuel-related components. They're pretty basic: the fuel, the fuel filter and the fuel pump. The fuel's the easy part. You probably gas up your vehicle yourself and, if you're like most drivers, pr... More

Sterling Heights Drivers Severe Service Maintenance Schedules
October 21, 2018
Since driving requirements and lifestyles differ among Sterling Heights drivers, your vehicle manufacturer publishes two auto maintenance schedules: the regular schedule and the severe service schedule. Which schedule should Sterling Heights drivers follow? Here are some questions to ask yourself... More

Give me a Brake (Light)!
October 14, 2018
If that little brake warning light pops up on your dash, do you know what it means? Well, if you said no, you wouldn't be alone. You know it has something to do with your brakes, but exactly what? You're not sure. One of the reasons is that it could mean a lot of different things. It could be som... More

Sterling Tire & Auto Service for Your Exhaust System
October 8, 2018
Your vehicle's exhaust system is more than just a tailpipe and a muffler. In fact, it is one of the most complex systems on your vehicle. The manifold is attached to the vehicle engine. It collects exhaust from the cylinders and directs it into the exhaust pipe. Gaskets seal the connection of th... More